Top 5 Best Electronic Devices
January 29, 2018-Jennifer Dorothy
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I just don't like telly, to be honest. I don't see why people obsess about it so much, blabbing on about the wonders of television. If I had to get rid of either my television or my laptop, I would get rid of my television. I don't like the programs, it's often rude and offensive and the children's channel is full of some things that really should be saved for the eighteen-and-over channels, they're really not age appropriate. Eight year olds should not be hearing about sex and heavy drinking, and some of these drama programs give completely the wrong idea. Plus, telly is not useful. No, no, no, no and no, I definitely do not agree.
Apple introduced the iphone in 2007, and it literally changed the world and how people go about doing their daily activities. It was also the product that paved the way for all other smart phone companies. If you don't believe me, just take a lot at the smart phones that were out before the iphone and what they were capable of.
Computers are definitely the best! So many thing you can do with them: Play games/call people/watch TV/take photos and most importantly of course: surf the web!It's great that Nintendo DS comes before Television though!
Laptops/ computers are the best electronic device. Laptops can be taken anywhere and internet is easily available. Computers or laptops are made joining many devices, as we can say one device is better than many, as what they provide are same-player, speaker, internet, can call online (as in mobiles or telephones), watch movies as on television, etc... I say it is the best device which is very much necessary in the modern world not only in the terms of development but also it is very useful in the modern life style or in busy life.
Cameras are really good if you want to keep track on things you have done long time ago. It can record your life and storage memories.
It's amazing apples best product it is #1 it has a big screen it is thin you can call some one with FaceTime. It has 10! Hour battery life you can take amazing photos and video you get photo booth automatically etc... Who wouldn't want one.