How to Choose the Right Yoga Clothes & Yoga Gear
March 01, 2018-Lara
There are a few basic things you will need for yoga and depending on where you practice, you may not need all of these things. This will seem foreign to you at first, but after awhile, you will start to gain a preference for certain mats, clothing and gear just like you do for other daily activities. Click here for more Yoga Clothes & Gear.
Yoga Clothes
Finding the right fit is a huge priority. Clothes that are too loose will have you stepping on excess fabric and may cause you to overheat, especially in hot yoga classes. Clothes that are too tight will hinder your movement and make some poses impossible.
What to Wear When Starting Your Hot Yoga PracticeIf you're just starting your hot yoga practice, it's fine to wear your regular yoga clothing, or a simple tank top and shorts, or even sweats if you really want to generate that heat. But this is not recommended for intense hot yoga workouts, because you may become too dehydrated, and may have to step out of the room. Most of the time, sports bras and cycling shorts will suffice, but there are certain hot yoga clothes that optimize the benefits one can get out of hot yoga. Choosing the right fitness clothing to exercise begins with choosing the best, top quality fitness fabric first. Look for fabric that will provide function, support, coverage and of course make you look your best, because style counts! Click here for more Yoga clothes.
Yoga Mats
Picking a yoga mat can be very simple, you just have to narrow down your choices. If you are not over 6 feet, then a standard 68" mat will work find. They range in thickness, so if you have joint problems or feel that you need extra cushioning, pick up a thick yoga mat. Starting out, you don't need anything super fancy or expensive. The gym of class you workout in may provide mats for you, but it is recommended that you pick up your own for sanitary reasons.
Yoga Mats provide cushioning and added stability to your yoga practice. A non slip yoga mat is the most basic and important yoga prop you will need before stepping into any yoga studio.Choosing the right yoga mat will make you a happy yogi! Express your uniqueness with a beautiful designer mat, or reduce your carbon footprint with an eco friendly yoga mat. Whatever you are looking for, Everything Yoga has the mat for you!
Yoga Props
Yoga Props are fantastic for beginners and are highly recommended. Props can help a beginning yoga student who is not flexible enough yet or to ensure that you have proper body alignment. Some styles of yoga also require the use of props so if you are starting out, it doesn't hurt to ask. Click here for more Yoga props.
Straps - are great for reaching parts of your body you might not be flexible enough to reach or to hold harder positions. Straps are specifically designed for beginners because it can be very difficult to do yoga when you are not flexible.
Blocks & Bricks - designed for doing extensions when you can't reach the floor. Again, this goes back to flexibility. The blocks and bricks act as an extension of your limbs while ensuring proper body alignment and increasing stability while holding yoga positions.
Yoga Balls - these are purely optional and are not typically used, but they might be. The come in 3 sizes depending on your height. The yoga balls can help with stability, balance and strength.